Context of Use

Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

What is Context of Use?

Designing for usability involves establishing user requirements for a new system or product, developing design solutions, prototyping the system and the user interface, and testing it with representative users. However, before any usability design or evaluation activity can begin, it is necessary to understand the Context of use for the product, i.e. the goals of the user community, and the main user, task and environmental characteristics of the situation in which it will be operated.

Source: Macleod (1994). Usability in Context: Improving Quality of Use. In Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association 4th International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management, (Stockholm, Sweden, May 29 - June 1 1994). Amsterdam, Elsevier.

Breaking down Context of Use

When usability is measured, it is important that the conditions for a test of usability are representative of important aspects of the overall context of use. Unless evaluation of usability can take place in conditions of actual use, it will be necessary to decide which attributes of the actual or intended context of use are to be represented in the context used for evaluation. When specifying or evaluating usability it is therefore important that the context selected is representative of the important aspects of the actual or intended context of use. Particular attention should be given to those attributes which are judged to have a significant impact on the quality of use of the overall system.

Using a breakdown of the context such as the example given in Table 1 (based on Maissel et al, 1991), information needs to be collected under each of the headings on the context in which the equipment is actually used (or is intended to be used).

Personal detailsTask breakdownBasic descriptionOrganizational Environment
User typesTask nameProduct identificationStructure
Audience and secondary usersTask goalProduct descriptionHours of work
Skills & knowledgeTask frequencyMain application areasGroup working
Product experienceTask durationMajor functionsJob function
System knowledgeFrequency of eventsSpecificationWork practices
Task experienceTask flexibilityHardwareAssistance
Organisational experiencePhysical and mental demandsSoftwareInterruptions
TrainingTask dependenciesMaterialsManagement structure
Keyboard & input skillsTask outputOther ItemsCommunications structure
QualificationsRisk resulting from error Remuneration
Linguistic ability  Attitudes & culture
General knowledge  Policy on use of computers
Personal attributes  Organisational aims
Age  Industrial relations
Gender  Job design
Physical capabilities  Job flexibility
Physical limitations and disabilities  Performance monitoring
Intellectual ability  Performance feedback
Attitude  Pacing
Motivation  Autonomy
   Technical environment
   Reference materials
   Physical environment
   Workplace conditions
   Atmospheric conditions
   Auditory environment
   Thermal environment
   Visual environment
   Environmental instability
   Workplace design
   Space and furniture
   User posture
   Workplace safety
   Health hazards
   Protective clothing & equipment
Source: Bevan, N. and Macleod, M. 1994. Usability measurement in context, Behavior and Information Technology, 13, 132-145.