How to make Jetpack Publicize Work with WP Job Manager Job Listings

It can be extremely disappointing when you get your job site up using WP Job Manager and you find out that the WordPress plugin module, JetPack Publicize does not work with the custom post type- Job listing.

I obviously looked to the plugin support page for help and asked this on the forum. Mike Jolley, the creator of the plugin pointed me to some useful information and I worked my way up from there. It was a bit frustrating because I am not a developer. None the less, the information was useful and I figured it out in the end. And now since I’ve done it, I don’t see a need for anybody else to have to even partially figure it out. Here are the exact steps of what you’re supposed to do and you’ll have Jetpack Publicize working with WP Job Manager Job Postings in no time.

  1. Navigate to wp-content/plugins/wp-job-manager/includes
  2. Edit class-wp-job-manager-post-types.php
  3. Change ‘supports’ => array( ‘title’, ‘editor’, ‘custom-fields’ ) to ‘supports’ => array( ‘title’, ‘editor’, ‘custom-fields’, ‘publicize’ )

You’re done. Enjoy! If this made you happy, then check out my newest site for making the world a happier place, one person at a time-