
  • Great Moleskine Alternatives You Can Buy in India

    Great Moleskine Alternatives You Can Buy in India

    Are Moleskines available in India? I am not sure. I definitely haven’t spotted them around. Any how, with fantastic notebook alternatives available that are much cheaper, of good quality and very likable, you won’t miss Moleskines at all. Here’s a list of notebook alternatives you should find handy (yes, there’s just one item right now,…

  • Dan Roam on “The Way of the Whiteboard: Persuading with Pictures”

    Dan Roam on “The Way of the Whiteboard: Persuading with Pictures”

    You can watch the video in WMV format if you don’t have Sliverlight. Dan Roam, author of the book, ‘The back of the napkin’ talks about how to use pictures to clarify and solve problems and how to sell ideas to who ever it may be. The selling ideas bit is extremely important for everyone,…