Download Axure ‘Clear Input Field Value on Focus’ Prototype/ Widget Library

Clear text on focus prototype and widget library

Two Axure widgets (clear text on focus of text field & clear text on focus of text area) for the Input Prompt design pattern are available for download in Axure widget library (.rplib) and and project file (.rp) format.

Demo the clear input field value on focus Axure widgets

Demo (opens in new window, 105 kb)

Watch an example video

(File size: 330 kb)

Download them

Clear text value on focus of input field- Axure Project file (.rp) (11955 downloads )
Clear text value on focus of input field- Axure Widget Library file (.rplib) (24693 downloads )

Creative Commons License
Axure Widgets for the User Interface Pattern: Clear Input Field Value onFocus/ Input Prompt by Abhay Rautela is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 India License.