15 Tips for Effective Usability Testing in India

The lotus temple in Delhi

Update (January 10, 2010)
If you are interested in learning about effective usability testing in India, do attend my (half day) tutorial at the India HCI 2010 conference on 21 March at IIT IDC, Mumbai. Tutorial details.
Note: The presentation below is not what will be presented for the tutorial. The slide based interactive lecture will be in far more comprehensive.

Update (March 3, 2009)
This presentation was featured on the SlideShare homepage today and got above a thousand views all in a day. Thanks SlideShare.

An Introduction to usability testing and tips for effective usability testing in India

Here’s the presentation, ‘An Introduction to Usability Testing & Tips for Effective Usability Testing in India’ I gave on day 2 of Bar Camp at the Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon on March 1, 2009. You can view it here or on SlideShare. You have the option to download it if you view it on the SlideShare website.