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Featured on Cool Home Pages
Cone Trees is featured in the extremely popular (and one of the original website design galleries) Cool Home Pages.
Featured on Ajax Finder
Cone Trees is featured on the website gallery section of Ajax Finder.
Featured on SlideShare
My presentation, ’15 Tips for Effective Usability Testing in India’, is featured on the front page of SlideShare (which is a pleasure since it’s chosen out of thousands of great presentations out there).
Featured on Best CSS Designs
Cone Trees is featured in the website design gallery website Best CSS Designs.
Featured on CSS Bag
Cone Trees is featured on the website design gallery website CSS Bag.
Featured on Konigi
Cone Trees is featured in the user submitted section of the design gallery Konigi.
Featured on Design Snack
Cone Trees is featured at the popular website design gallery website Design Snack.
Featured on CSS Season
Cone Trees is featured at the website design gallery CSS Season.
Featured on AllTop
Cone Trees is now featured in the user interface section along with other user experience authorities of the Guy Kawasaki’s popular AllTop.
Featured on RGB Garden
Cone Trees is featured on the Indian website design gallery RGB Garden.