The best content at Cone Trees for 2010

2010 has been a good year. Besides improving products through usability testing and user research at work, I gave an expert tutorial at The India HCI/ IDID 2010 conference at IIT IDC, Mumbai in March and the book I contributed to, UX Storytellers: Connecting the dots was published in November.

Most viewed content

From the Downloads section- The Usability Testing Process (diagram)
From the (new) UX Glossary section- Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ)
From the Quick Posts section- Rohan Shravan on the Adam tablet featuring tech specs better than the iPad

Suggested reading

From the Blog section- My chapter in the book: UX Storytellers – Connecting the Dots
From the (new) Tutorials section- How to create active and inactive tabs in Axure
From the Blog section- The official definition(s) of Usability